How to become an Uber driver or deliverer
Ever considered turning your car into a taxi so you can make some extra cash? We've got all the info you need to get fully set up as an Uber driver or deliverer.

Credit: DenPhotos, hxdyl – Shutterstock
Working for Uber can be perfect for students. It can be well-paid and extremely flexible. On top of that, you get to drive around all day making chit-chat with strangers. Sounds pretty decent, doesn't it?
One big perk of becoming an Uber driver or deliverer is that you can work as many or as few hours as you like. As your own boss, you're under no obligation to stick with it if you find it's not your jam.
However, particularly for drivers, getting initially started can be quite pricey. That's why it's so important you have all the facts first and consider carefully whether it's a viable option for you.
We have all the necessary requirements for you here, as well as info on how to sign up and extra tips for making more cash while you drive or deliver.
What's in this guide?
How to become an Uber driver
First of all, to become an Uber driver, you need to meet the following relevant criteria:
- Are over 21 years old
- Have a full and valid UK driver's licence (an EU licence will need to be converted to a UK licence before you become an Uber driver)
- Have the right to work in the UK.
Depending on the city you're based in, the required years of driving experience can vary.
You also need to pass the following checks:
- Full medical examination from your GP
- Complete enhanced DBS check – this examines your full criminal record and checks you're safe to work with children and vulnerable adults.
You might be waiting a while before you can get on the road, but the Uber drivers we've spoken to have all said that it's worth the initial sting to get yourself up and running.
Uber driver requirements

Credit: Elliott Brown - Flickr
Here are the key things you need to become an Uber driver:
A private hire licence
The process of obtaining a private hire licence is pretty pain-free. If you don't have one yet, Uber's Ignition Programme helps to make the application process as easy as possible.
The price of a private hire licence varies from council to council, but you can expect to pay around £300, and you'll need to review it every three years.
It can take quite a while to actually receive your licence after applying. It could take several weeks, but some of the drivers we've spoken to said it can be more like three or four months. One Uber driver said he waited six months before he got his through!
A private hire-licensed and insured car
If you already have a car that fits the bill, you're way ahead of the game. See Uber's site to check if your car is up to their standard.
Private hire insurance can be steep. But, as with any car insurance, the longer you've been driving and the safer you are as a driver, the cheaper it gets.
For example, the difference between a private hire policy for people who've been driving for three years compared to five can be as much as £100 per month!
Completed EduMe course
Before you can activate your account and start earning money with Uber, you have to complete their EduMe course.
This virtual course shows you around Uber's app and teaches you how to work as an Uber driver.
Pros and cons of becoming an Uber driver
We spoke to a few Uber drivers around the UK, and they shared some of the perks and pitfalls they claimed came with the job.
Pros of working as an Uber driver
Here are the main perks of working as an Uber driver:
- Getting paid within one working day of requests with Flex Pay
- You can be your own boss
- No minimum or maximum hours – you work as little or as much as suits you
- Flexible hours that can fit around studying and social life
- Relaxing job if you enjoy driving
- Very sociable job, which is good if you like chatting with people
- Passenger star ratings help you avoid passengers who might give you trouble or leave you waiting around for them
- Passenger ratings also (in theory) encourage riders to behave properly in your car
- More sanctions for bad riders, including only being able to cancel (without charge) within four minutes of the driver confirming, as well as waiting time charges if a driver is waiting at a pick-up point for several minutes
- Drivers still get paid in full when a passenger uses any free credit they've acquired as it's covered by Uber (which is just as well, as some have previously racked up as much as £1,500 in free rides).
Cons of working as an Uber driver
These are some of the worst things about becoming an Uber driver:
- There can be a long wait to get your private hire licence through.
- You need to do your own taxes.
- Car insurance is particularly expensive for young people.
- Not everyone will tip.
- Although Uber does now offer a pension plan and holiday pay (paid weekly, as 12.07% of your earnings), there is still no official sick pay. However, Uber does have a partnership with Allianz to protect eligible drivers from losing pay in the event of injury, sickness or having a baby.
- Passenger ratings can't guarantee they won't get in drunk and throw up in your car.
How to become an Uber Eats deliverer

Credit: FREEDOMPIC – Shutterstock
Unlike driving Ubers, you don't necessarily need to drive a car to deliver Uber Eats. You can also use a scooter/motorbike or bicycle.
If you're hoping to deliver by car or scooter/motorbike, you'll need a driver's licence and vehicle insurance (including cover for food deliveries).
By bicycle, you'll need a driver's licence or National ID.
No matter whether you want to deliver by car, scooter, motorbike or bike, you'll also need a bank statement that's dated within the last three months.
Many of the pros of delivering Uber Eats are the same as driving Ubers, like the option of Flex Pay. As a deliverer, you can receive your payment within one working day of your request – great news if you're hoping to make money quickly.
To get started, you'll need to register, consent to a safety screening and upload the required documents.
Once you've been approved as a deliverer, you can log in whenever suits you, start making deliveries and watch your bank balance grow.
How old do you need to be to work for Uber Eats?
If you're under 21, you might be too young to drive Uber taxis, but the good news is you can sign up to deliver Uber Eats if you're 18 or over.
As long as you're ok with getting a bit of food envy, this opportunity's ideal for students.
How much money you can make working for Uber
Here is how much money you can make with Uber:
Earnings of Uber drivers
With Uber, your income is based on how much you work. At times when demand is higher than usual, you'll earn more. However, you can expect to pay around 20% of your earnings to go towards fuel.
Rates will differ from city to city, so it's worth contacting Uber for an accurate idea of how much you can earn in your part of the country.
It's worth noting that in March 2021, Uber introduced a pledge to pay all drivers at least the National Living Wage. This means that if your earnings after deductions (including vehicle expenses and other charges, like the Congestion Charge) are lower than the National Living Wage (£11.44/hour in the 2024/25 tax year), Uber will top it up to this rate.
Despite Uber now recognising its drivers as 'workers', they're still regarded as self-employed for tax purposes. So, as an Uber driver, you'd have to set aside your own 20% income tax and declare it in a self-assessment tax return in April each year.
Need more info on UK taxes? Check out our guide to tax facts.
How to make even more money as an Uber driver
Many Uber drivers say they will work as few as 10 hours per week, but note that you might have to work a fair bit more than that for the money to be worthwhile.
According to one driver we spoke to, splashing out the extra cash for a flashier car (qualifying you as an Uber Exec driver) is worth it in the long run.
Ahmet, an Uber Exec driver from London, told Save the Student:
Although you take the initial hit in having to buy a more expensive car to join Uber Exec, you take home way more money per ride than you do with UberX, meaning it works out better in the long run.
Earnings of Uber Eats deliverers
With Uber Eats, you find out how much you'll earn for each order before deciding whether to accept it. But there's the chance you could earn more than the quoted amount if you receive a tip.
There are also Quest incentives, which let you earn extra money when you work during certain time periods.
Is it worth working with Uber?

Credit: Piranhi – Shutterstock
Uber is a great option for a part-time job for students.
But from what we can see (and from what we've heard from drivers) if you don't already have a suitable car, it's worth thinking about whether this is the right option for you.
The extra expense of getting your own wheels as a driver means you'll end up spending the first few years of your time at Uber driving just to pay off your car.
When we asked Ahmet if he'd recommend becoming an Uber driver to other students, he was really positive. He told us:
I would really, really recommend driving for Uber... it's a great way to make some pocket money on the side.
Every time I'd go to my friend's house in Harrow, I'd get a good fare on the way out there since it's on the outskirts of London. We would just chill and play some FIFA on the PlayStation, then before I'd leave, I'd just open up the app and be able to make some money on my way home.
Sounds pretty ideal!
And, since we chatted to Ahmet, Uber introduced a system to make it easier for drivers to find passengers heading in the same direction as them.
Drivers can set a destination (e.g. their home) to find riders who are travelling in the same direction.
Not sure if Uber's right for you? See our top business ideas for more ways to be your own boss...