Rent Calculator

Use our rent calculator below to see how much you can afford in rent each month, after everything else is considered.
Rent calculator

In our latest National Student Accommodation Survey, the average cost of rent among those who paid it was £130 per week. But rental amounts in the UK vary widely from city to city and between house types. As a general rule, students can expect to pay anything from £80 to £200+ per week.

With rent being the biggest student cost to budget for, it's really important to know what you can afford to pay for the whole tenancy (typically 12 months). See our guides on choosing accommodation for tips.

Yearly student funding


One-off rental costs

Monthly income

Monthly outgoings

Your monthly rent budget:

You can afford a monthly rent of around £
That's the weekly equivalent of £

Oh no – it’s not enough!

We know. The Maintenance Loan is not enough for a lot of students to live on, and the government generally ‘expects’ parents to make up the shortfall (we have a calculator for that too).

Don’t panic – you have options. To increase your budget, you could take on a part-time job or ask your parents for help. It’s also worth finding out if you’re eligible for financial support from your university too.

Remember, if you’re in a joint or group tenancy, make sure that everyone can afford the amount for the whole year! Share this page with them.

Now you know what you can afford, read our ultimate guide to viewings!

Student rental costs across the UK

This map has been generated from the results of our National Student Accommodation Survey.

Infographic showing London - £812, Scotland - £663, South East - £644, East - £580, South West - £565, East Midlands - £538, Yorkshire - £510, North East - £508, North West - £486, Wales - £473, West Midlands - £466, Northern Ireland - N/A

Click here for more interesting insights into student living!