Student mental health support and advice
Thousands of students are affected by mental health issues in the UK. It's so important not to suffer in silence. Here's where you can find the help you need.
Sensitive content: This article contains references to mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, OCD, eating disorders, PTSD, psychosis, self-harm and suicide.
University can be a stressful time.
We've heard from numerous students who have experienced mental health issues as a result of money worries at uni. We want you all to know you're not alone.
While most students know that support is out there, it can be difficult to know where to turn, or what to expect if you do. Here's an overview of the key things to know.
What's in this guide?
What is mental health?
Everyone has mental health. It determines how we feel about ourselves, interact with those around us and form relationships.
However, when mental health starts to interfere with everyday life and our abilities to relax, socialise and work effectively, it becomes a mental health issue.
Mental health is affected by biological factors and family history, as well as life experiences like stress and trauma. Just like any physical issue, it should be treated by a medical professional when something isn't right.
Difference between mental health and mental illness
The terms 'mental health' and 'mental illness' often get used interchangeably. But, they actually mean slightly different things.
It can be useful to know what's generally meant by mental health and mental illness. It could help you to understand the way you're feeling and the types of support you may get offered.
Regardless of whether you think you may have a mental illness or a mental health issue, if you're finding things difficult, please seek help.
Mental health
As we mentioned above, mental health refers to our general mental wellbeing. This could relate to how we're feeling emotionally, psychologically and socially.
We all have mental health, and it's common to experience issues with our wellbeing from time to time.
Mental illness
Mental illnesses are diagnosable conditions like clinical depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and eating disorders. You may experience poor mental health without necessarily having a diagnosable mental illness.
If you're feeling low or anxious, it's still important to talk about how you're feeling. But it's worth noting that you may not be diagnosed as having depression or anxiety as mental illnesses.
This in no way discredits how you're feeling. It may just be that a doctor or counsellor takes a slightly different approach to how they help you.
Examples of mental health issues and illnesses

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If you're struggling with mental health problems, but you're unsure what this could actually mean, we go through some of the most common mental health issues below.
We're not trained medical professionals here at Save the Student. Please seek advice from your local GP for a professional diagnosis.
The below list includes summaries based on info from the NHS website. They provide expert advice and detailed guidance, including the treatment options that may be available.
Common mental health conditions and issues
- Anxiety and panic attacks – Anxiety is a feeling that everyone experiences, but if it interferes with your daily life, it could help to get support. Symptoms can include sweating, breathlessness, feeling hot, obsessive thoughts and finding it hard to relax. Some may experience panic attacks. These can come on quickly and cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, trembling and feeling sick.
- Bipolar disorder – Bipolar disorder is a condition that affects your moods, causing them to go from one extreme to another. People with bipolar disorder experience episodes of depression, where they feel low and lethargic, as well as mania, where they feel high and overactive. These episodes can last for several weeks or more.
- Clinical depression – Most people feel low occasionally, but people with depression may feel sad for extended periods, such as for weeks or months. Symptoms of clinical depression include having lasting feelings of unhappiness or hopelessness, as well as often feeling on the brink of tears. Depression can impact your appetite, ability to sleep and sex drive. It can also cause aches and pains.
- Eating disorders – Somebody with an eating disorder might use unhealthy eating behaviours to try to deal with feelings and other situations. Three common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia and binge eating disorder. But, the most common one is OSFED ('other specified feeding or eating disorder'). This is when somebody has an eating disorder but doesn't fully fit the expected symptoms of a specific eating disorder.
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) – OCD leads someone to have obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. An obsession can involve unwanted and unpleasant thoughts, urges or images. Someone with OCD could find the obsession enters their mind repeatedly. It's often distressing and can cause intense anxiety. A compulsion is a repetitive behaviour or mental act that someone feels the need to do, due to feelings of anxiety and distress.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – PTSD is an anxiety disorder caused by events that were very stressful, distressing or frightening. These traumatic events can lead someone to often relive them through nightmares and flashbacks and can severely impact daily life.
- Psychosis – Psychosis is a diagnosis given to someone who suffers from hallucinations and delusions. Psychotic episodes could be triggered by psychological causes such as schizophrenia, as well as some medical conditions, substance abuse and changes in the brain.
- Self-harm – This is when someone hurts themselves deliberately. It's important to talk to a GP about self-harm or thoughts about self-harm. They can provide support and treatment, as well as guidance on how to approach treatment such as self-help, support groups and talking therapies.
- Suicidal thoughts – If you ever feel as though you want to die, it's really important to tell someone as help and support are always available. Get in touch with your doctor, and reach out to family and friends to talk about how you're feeling. It could also help to call a helpline such as Samaritans on 116 123. We list more support services and helplines below.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of all mental health conditions. And, as we mentioned earlier, we've only summarised each condition and issue. Visit the NHS website, the Mind website or speak to a health professional for more detailed information.
What are the signs of mental illness?
Mental health is a very personal experience and symptoms of mental illnesses vary greatly. It can sometimes be difficult to spot the signs, both in yourself and a friend or family member.
Common symptoms of mental illness
This is not a checklist of symptoms you must have to be suffering from mental illnesses or mental health issues. If you're struggling, seek help immediately, regardless of what symptoms you do or do not have.
If you think that you or someone you know may be struggling with a mental illness or mental health issues, here are some signs to look out for:
- Feelings of listlessness (having little interest in doing anything), sadness or a lack of energy
- Inability to concentrate or focus on work
- Excessive worrying
- Major changes to eating or sleeping habits
- Loss of interest in sex
- Feeling constantly on the brink of tears
- Extreme highs and lows of emotion
- Withdrawal from social activities and hobbies
- Feeling an impending sense of doom
- Difficulties managing important daily tasks like showering and eating
- Finding it hard to cope with stress or problems
- Addictive behaviours around alcohol, drugs, sex, food or exercise
- Suicidal thoughts or self-harm.
If you're worried someone might be in immediate danger or experiencing a mental health crisis, calling an ambulance on 999 can get help to them quickly.
Samaritans have detailed info on how to support someone you're worried about.
If you think someone might be struggling, check in to see how they're doing. Asking open questions like how they feel can really help. Listen to what they say and take it seriously.
Mind's page on coping with student life includes a list of things you can do to help students while they're away at uni.
Mental health at university

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One in four students are said to experience mental health issues at some point during their time at uni.
While mental health issues can occur at any stage of life, 75% of mental health problems are established by the age of 24. This, combined with the pressures of degrees, shows it's crucial to look after your mental health as a student.
Anxiety and depression are the most common types of mental illness reported among students. Factors such as workload, relationships and employability can all affect your mental health at uni.
Remember that you don't have to face your struggles alone. There will always be someone you can turn to and there is so much help available.
If you ever struggle with suicidal feelings, it's important to talk to your GP and loved ones. It might also help to look at advice from Mind or see the helplines below if you need someone to talk to.
You can get in touch with your uni to find out about their counselling services. Also, see what other schemes they have in place to help students' wellbeing. They might have dog therapy sessions or mindfulness courses. Have a chat with student services to find out more.
Also, some charities like Student Minds run support groups for students struggling with their mental health.
Mental health and money
Here at Save the Student, we've been looking into the effects of money on mental health. In our latest National Student Money Survey, 60% said their mental health suffers as a result of money problems.
With high rent prices now taking up a big chunk of Maintenance Loans, it's no surprise that students are feeling the pressure.
If you're struggling for money at uni, look into whether you could apply for hardship funding.
Do mental health problems class as mitigating circumstances?
If poor mental health has impacted your ability to complete your work on time, or to the same standard as usual, then you should be able to apply for mitigating or extenuating circumstances. This could be for any exams or coursework you think will be affected.
Each uni has its own policy on what qualifies as 'mitigating circumstances'. Also, they usually assess applications on a case-by-case basis. Because of this, it's difficult to know for certain whether your case will be accepted.
As a result of extenuating circumstances, you could be offered adjustments. For example, you might get extended deadlines or the option to sit exams outside the exam hall.
A note from your GP or counsellor explaining your mental health issues and the effect they have on your daily life should help your case. But, even if you haven't sought professional advice yet, your claim is still valid.
For more info, speak to someone from your subject department, or the student advice centre in your student union. They'll be able to advise you on how to apply and what evidence you might need.
Does the DSA cover mental health conditions?

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Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) is funding for equipment and services you need due to a disability. Importantly, that disability can be a physical or mental health condition.
Contact a Disability Advisor at uni for advice on whether you're eligible.
To apply for DSA, you'll need to provide evidence of your eligibility. You'll also need to complete a form.
If it's approved, you'll have a DSA needs assessment. This is an informal meeting to discuss the support you need as a result of your specific mental health issues.
The funding can only be used to pay for equipment or support you need to fulfil your academic potential. For more info, check out our guide to DSA.
Where to find mental health support
If you're struggling with any mental health issues at uni, remember that help is always out there when you feel ready to talk. Opening up about how you're feeling can make so much difference.
Your first port of call might be a friend or family member who you trust. If you would rather speak to a professional, there are a range of different support services out there. Here's an overview of a few different avenues.
Each uni will have its own student mental health and counselling service. For exact details, check your university website, email student services or ask at an information desk.
Don't forget that your personal tutor is often a good person to talk to. They could direct you to the right support services.
What to expect
Hopefully, you will be able to quickly access your university's counselling services.
It's important to note that there's a chance you'll be put on a waiting list when seeking help from your uni.
If this happens, please don't continue to suffer in silence. Try seeking help via one of the routes below.
Most sessions will be a one-to-one, hour-long appointment with a trained adviser. They will provide a confidential, non-judgmental space for you to explore and understand your emotions. They'll listen to you and offer advice.
The process of talking through your feelings and finding out what might be causing you to feel a certain way can really help.
If you're nervous about explaining what you've been experiencing, try writing it down before your session. Then, you could use the notes as a prompt.
Your GP

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Mental health issues are just like any physical illness, and should never be ignored. If you're suffering, make an appointment with your local GP.
If you're not yet registered, use the NHS directory to find your nearest surgery. You could also do some research to see if any practices near you offer more specialist mental health treatment.
What to expect
At your appointment, your GP will ask about your symptoms. They could point you towards relevant services and resources.
They may potentially prescribe medication. To find out more about mental health medication, check out YoungMinds' Medications page.
Your doctor might refer you to an NHS Talking Therapies programme. This could involve tailored therapy from trained practitioners to help you work towards set goals.
Again, don't be afraid to write your symptoms down before you go. You could also take a friend with you or ask for a GP of a specific gender.
Your Student Union
Alongside your uni, your SU is also likely to offer advice and support for student mental health issues.
Most unions will have a student advice centre. This is a good starting point if you're not sure where to turn for mental health help. They'll give you more info about student mental health services, and other resources available at your uni.
If you're struggling with accommodation or money, your student advice centre could offer guidance in these areas.
Also, check whether your union has a mental health society. Speaking to students going through similar things can be a great way to get to grips with your emotions.
Mental health helplines
Don't forget that there will always be someone at the other end of the phone waiting to talk to you. No matter what time of day or night, you're never alone. Here are some of the main helplines:
- Samaritans – Their support line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 116 123. If you prefer to write down your feelings, or you're worried about being overheard, you can send an email to [email protected].
- SHOUT – If you'd prefer to communicate with someone with text messages, you can text 'SHOUT' to 85258. This is a free and confidential support service that's available 24/7.
- Nightline – A lot of unis have a nightline, which typically runs from around 8pm – 8am during term time. They offer a completely confidential and anonymous service. They'll listen to you and let you make your own decisions on any further action. Head to the Nightline website to find the phone number for your uni.
- PAPYRUS – This suicide prevention charity runs HOPELINEUK from 9am – midnight every day of the year. The helpline is for anyone under the age of 35. You can call them on 0800 068 4141, text 88247 or email [email protected].
- Mind – For info about mental health support in your local area, you can call Mind's Infoline on 0300 123 3393 from 9am – 6pm every weekday (except bank holidays).
- CALM – CALM (the Campaign Against Living Miserably) has a specific focus on reducing suicide rates among men. They also offer general mental health advice. You can reach their helpline on 0800 58 58 58 or their webchat between 5pm – midnight every day of the year.
If you need urgent medical help, call 999 or visit your local A&E department. The NHS non-emergency number, 111, will also offer free medical advice whenever you need it.
Other online support services

Credit: Olena Yakobchuk – Shutterstock
We've listed some of the main helplines above. There's also a range of helplines, websites and support services dedicated to specific groups or mental illnesses:
- OCD UK, Anxiety UK and Bipolar UK all offer specific advice and support for people suffering from those mental health issues.
- No Panic offers info and a helpline for those suffering from panic attacks and anxiety-based disorders like OCD and phobias.
- Beat can support anyone struggling with eating disorders. They'll also share guidance if you want to help a loved one.
- Relate is the leading counselling service for relationship support, such as with your partner, family or friends.
- Bupa's page on dealing with anxiety has useful resources. This includes an interactive worry tree and an audio guide to help with progressive muscle relaxation.
- If you're struggling with grief, Cruse Bereavement Support can offer support and info.
- Stonewall offers lots of advice and support groups for LGBT+ people seeking mental health guidance.
- Those who have been affected by crime can contact Victim Support on their free support line for confidential help.
- The NHS and Mind have lots more info about mental health conditions, support and treatments.
How to look after your mental health
The best ways to look after your mental wellbeing will be different for everyone. Don't force yourself to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Also, try not to be too hard on yourself on days when things that you'd usually enjoy feel harder.
Do what's best for you, and focus on taking care of yourself.
A good place to start is to look after your physical health. Regular exercise, getting plenty of sleep and eating well can all help your mental health.
It's also worth trying to switch off for a while by spending less time on your phone.
Uni is tough and everyone faces their own battles as they go through it. Good grades are important but nowhere near as important as your wellbeing. Make sure you look after yourself and seek help when you need it.
For more self-care tips, read our full guide.