The latest John Lewis student discount codes and offers are listed below. More details about what John Lewis discounts are available to students can be found on the John Lewis website.
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Student discounts
Not working?John Lewis student discount
The latest John Lewis student discount codes and offers are listed below. More details about what John Lewis discounts are available to students can be found on the John Lewis website.
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Free £15 makeup or fragrance spend
Free cake & hot drink
Up to 50% off at John Lewis
About John Lewis
It's fair to assume most people have heard of John Lewis at some point in their lives - if not due to the massive department stores themselves, then because of the brand’s cute Christmas adverts!
Formed over 150 years ago, John Lewis & Partners has grown to be a cornerstone of the UK high street, and one of the country's favourite department stores. With over 50 locations across the UK, it sells everything from the latest designer fashion and beauty products to electronics, homeware and more. The retailer literally sell everything - including the kitchen sink!
John Lewis on the high street
With everything under one roof, as well as an excellent online store, John Lewis is ideal for students looking for, well, pretty much anything! It’s no surprise that it’s often the first stop most students go to when they first venture into a new city or initially move into student digs.
When it comes to discounts and offers, while John Lewis doesn’t currently offer a student discount, it does regularly have special offers available and is very competitive with its pricing. You'll often find that it price matches Amazon with popular deals on electronics and more. But that's not all - its standard extended guarantee on electronics makes them a great retailer to consider when making any tech purchases.
John Lewis product examples
We weren’t kidding when we said John Lewis sells everything. Food gifts? Yup. Clothing? Shoes? Accessories? They’ve got you covered. The latest skincare and makeup products? Yeah, those too. Fridges, ovens, dishwashers, kettles, toasters, smoothie makers.... Check! You get the idea.
Jaeger Hooded Parka
Origins Kisszing™ Lip Crayon
Levi Jeans
Frequently asked questions about John Lewis student discount
Take a look at our selection of the most frequently asked questions about John Lewis student discount below. If you’ve got a question we haven’t answered, just leave a comment at the bottom of this page, or get in touch through our Facebook group.
Will student discount be available in future at John Lewis?
Never say never! It’s unlikely, but we’ll update this page if anything does change in future. Keep checking back before you shop.
Are there other ways for students to save at John Lewis?
Of course! John Lewis has regular offers and sales online, so just keep an eye on the website to see how you can save. You’ll also be able to shop the sale in-store and online, usually at the end of each season.
John Lewis sales, offers, and promotions
Keep an eye on this page for details of big sales and special promotional offers around Black Friday and Boxing Day, as well as throughout bank holiday weekends, when John Lewis is known to have excellent deals. Don’t forget to check the website regularly throughout the year for special discount codes, coupon codes, voucher codes and more, giving you even bigger discounts – it’s common to see items with up to 80% off everything in the John Lewis sale section.
Past offers at John Lewis
Past John Lewis offers featured here at Save the Student include:
Look at the section above for the current active offers and discounts.
My John Lewis
Join My John Lewis for access to the retailer’s members-only offers, exclusive events, and more. There are no points to count – simply sign up, start shopping, and be rewarded.
Perks include:
Click here to find out more and sign up for a My John Lewis account today - it’s free!
If you find any great bargains at John Lewis, let us know in the comments below, and we’ll add them to this page. Don’t forget to keep checking back for the most recent John Lewis offers, sales and deals.
Discounts similar to John Lewis
Any discounts, offers or voucher codes listed here were correct at time of publishing. Please click here if you believe the information for John Lewis needs updating
To support our site, we may use links which earn us a commission at no extra cost to you.
Discount added in Electronics & software, Fashion, Gifts, Health & beauty, Home & study, Music, TV & games
Lauren is a deals and discounts expert, and the Digital Marketing Manager at Save the Student. She is passionate about saving money and has appeared on Channel 5 documentaries sharing her money-saving tips. Lauren's work is centred around securing the best exclusive deals for Save the Student and working with great student brands.
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